How to Connect Your Amazon Account to PODTurbo

You can go to this page to connect your Amazon Account to PODTurbo:

Follow these steps to get all the data above.

1. Log in to Amazon Seller Central (
2. Go to  Settings > User Permissions
3. Click  “Visit Manage Your Apps”.
4. Click  “Authorize new developer”.
5. Enter  “PODTurbo” as the Developer Name and “531401374365” for the Developer ID.
6. Confirm the terms and click  “Next”.
7. You will get the  Seller ID, Marketplace ID, and MWS Auth Token. Insert them in the boxes above to connect your Amazon to PODTurbo.

NOTE: If you have applied for the UPC Exemption, go to  Store > Store Settings and tick “Amazon UPC Exemption Enabled”.

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